
Pelvic floor health is crucial for overall well-being, particularly concerning urinary incontinence, vaginal looseness, and sexual function. EMSella is emerging as a breakthrough treatment offering non-invasive solutions to address these concerns. This article provides a detailed exploration of , its mechanisms, benefits, and implications for various pelvic floor issues.

EMSella Treatment for Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence affects millions worldwide, predominantly women. EMSella presents a non-invasive solution by utilizing High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology. This innovative approach stimulates deep pelvic floor muscles, restoring neuromuscular control and improving bladder function. Through supramaximal contractions induced in pelvic floor muscles, EMSella strengthens and tones the area, significantly reducing incontinence episodes. Remarkably, one session of EMSella treatment offers the equivalent of over 11,000 Kegel exercises, making it a highly efficient intervention for urinary incontinence in both men and women, including those recovering from prostate removal surgery.

Vaginal Tightening and Pelvic Floor Health

EMSella treatment extends its benefits beyond urinary incontinence to address vaginal looseness and pelvic floor prolapse. By harnessing high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy, EMSella stimulates pelvic floor muscles, promoting contractions akin to Kegel exercises. These contractions improve muscle strength and tone, consequently leading to vaginal tightening and enhanced pelvic floor support. Notably, EMSella treatment is minimally invasive, requiring patients to sit on a specialized chair that delivers targeted electromagnetic energy, eliminating the need for undressing or invasive probes.

Strengthening Pubococcygeus Muscles

The pubococcygeus muscles play a crucial role in urinary continence, and their weakness can contribute to urinary incontinence issues. EMSella offers a non-invasive solution by utilizing HIFEM technology to stimulate pelvic floor muscles, including the pubococcygeus. Through deep muscle contractions, EMSella effectively strengthens the pubococcygeus muscles, enhancing neuromuscular control and addressing urinary incontinence. While EMSella is beneficial, it’s important to recognize that it may not be a standalone solution for severe cases, and consultation with healthcare professionals is essential for personalized treatment plans.

Enhanced Blood Flow and Sensitivity

Apart from its direct effects on muscle strength, EMSella treatment indirectly improves pelvic floor health by increasing blood flow and sensitivity. By delivering low-intensity electrical stimulation, EMSella induces passive muscle contractions, enhancing local blood circulation. This increased circulation contributes to arterial health, reducing arterial stiffness and promoting overall blood flow throughout the body. Additionally, EMSella may employ Interferential Current (IFC) stimulation, further enhancing blood flow velocity and maintaining tissue activity. Thus, EMSella treatment offers comprehensive benefits beyond muscle strengthening, enhancing overall pelvic floor health.

Improving Sexual Function

EMSella treatment has garnered attention for its potential to improve sexual function in both men and women. For men, EMSella therapy may offer benefits in addressing erectile dysfunction by improving erectile function and quality of life. Additionally, electrical stimulation in the pelvic region can enhance erectile function, suggesting a potential role for EMSella in managing erectile dysfunction. Similarly, in women, electrical stimulation during Pelvic Floor Muscle Training (PFMT) may improve sexual function, urinary leakage, and pelvic floor muscle strength. These findings underscore the potential of EMSella treatment to positively impact sexual health, albeit further research is warranted to elucidate its full effectiveness.

Addressing Frequent Urination

EMSella treatment holds promise in addressing frequent urination by strengthening pelvic floor muscles, thereby improving bladder control. By delivering low-level electrical currents to stimulate pelvic floor muscles, EMSella induces contractions similar to Kegel exercises. Over time, this strengthens pelvic floor muscles, potentially leading to improved bladder control and reduced frequency of urination. However, individual responses to EMSella treatment may vary, highlighting the importance of personalized evaluation and consultation with healthcare professionals before initiating treatment.


EMSella treatment offers a revolutionary approach to address various pelvic floor concerns, including urinary incontinence, vaginal looseness, sexual dysfunction, and frequent urination. Through its non-invasive nature and targeted stimulation of pelvic floor muscles, EMSella provides a promising avenue for improving pelvic floor health and enhancing overall quality of life. However, while EMSella shows considerable potential, it’s essential to recognize the need for personalized evaluation and comprehensive treatment plans tailored to individual needs. Consulting with healthcare professionals remains paramount in navigating treatment options and achieving optimal outcomes in pelvic floor health and well-being.